Medical Departments:
General Internal Medicine
Metabolic Medicine
Request an appointment by phone: +81 (0)3 5577 2070.
Office hours
Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.
10:00ー13:00 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇
14:30ー16:00 〇 〇 ★ 〇 〇
Chiyoda International clinic organizes a patient support group and other activities on Wednesday, so there is no consultation. Activities include Seiryu-no-kai for pain patients, peer counselling, Tai Chi, and special medical examinations (e.g. glucose tolerance test).
※ We may not see patients in the order of appointments when the clinic is crowded.
※ Be sure to make an appointment by phone.
※ An initial consultation usually takes more time than a later consultation. Please bring to your appointment notes of your medical history, copies of your medical test results and radiology images, a list of your current medications and dosages, and a referral letter from your doctor if available.
Request an appointment by phone or fax. Bring your insurance card and a list of current medications and dosages when you come to the clinic for your appointment. If you have a referral letter from your doctor, please bring it as well.
Phone: +81 (0)3 5577 2070
Fax: +81 (0)3 5577 2071
10:00-13:00/14:30-16:00, Japan time
Monday through Friday
●Music and nutritional therapy
Poor circulation and unhealthy diet are considered to contribute to pain disorders.
Our music and diet therapy is an opportunity for you to learn about healthy diet and listen to music. Music can reduce stress and helps you to learn to relax.
●Second opinion
The clinic has opened a second opinion department to meet the growing demands of patients in a changing medical environment.
●Acupuncture and moxibustion
Acupuncture and moxibustion are recommended to patients when considered appropriate to their conditions and effective for treatment.
Acupuncture, which uses ultra-fine sterile needles, and moxibustion are expected to help reduce stress, fatigue and the severity of chronic pain. Also, practitioners will train patients to use moxa on themselves.
●Support group
Seiryu-no-kai (a support group for pain patients) encourages pain patients to learn how to manage pain.
Our mission is to help patients who are willing to have active involvement in treatment. Many diseases are lifestyle related diseases. Pain disorders are no exception. Destructive lifestyles can cause pain. Therefore, patients should become autonomous and responsible for making healthy lifestyle choices, which plays a key role in treatment.
Seiryu-no-kai provides breathing exercise, Jikyouho (physical exercise), and peer counselling sessions supervised by clinical psychologists and a FMS support group. Seiryu-no-kai also runs Pain Meister Program. To become a Pain Meister, patients are required to attend 10 meetings and pass a test. It is strongly recommended that pain patients be Pain Meister and keep up with the latest information about pain.
Tai-chi helps to improve blood circulation by moving body slowly and steadily.
We are also practising for Music therapy.
Please call or fax us to make a reservation if you are interested in these activities.
Appointments by phone
+81 (0)3 5577 2070
10:00-13:00/14:30-16:00, Japan time
Monday through Friday