Chiyoda International Clinic, which has the departments of internal medicine, cardiology, psychosomatic medicine and psychiatry, is located in Kanda Mitoshirochyo, Chiyodaku, Tokyo. The clinic has opened to help patients who suffer from stress-related diseases, pain and fatigue. It is also intended to advance, practice and pass down comprehensive medicine that I inherited from my teachers.
We will make every effort to help you fight your illness and manage the symptoms, hoping that it will allow you to realize your full potential and live a fulfilling life.
Chiyoda International Clinic will serve as a center for the practice of, research on and training in comprehensive medicine.
Katsutaro Nagata, M.D., Ph.D. is President of International Foundation of Comprehensive Medicine, Professor of psychosomatic medicine and psychopharmacology at WHO, and an honorary professor at International Academy of Philosophy in the Principality of Lichtenstein.
After studying economics at Keio University and medicine at Fukushima Medical University, Dr. Nagata first worked for Chiba University as an internist and then Toho University as an assistant anesthetist. Later, he became the chief of the psychosomatic department at Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, and the professor and head of the integrative medicine education center at Nihon Pharmaceutical University.
Dr. Nagata is President of Japanese Society of Existential Therapy, Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Pain Medicine, and the International Society of Comprehensive Medicine. He is a diplomate of Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Medicine, Japanese Society of Psychosomatic Internal Medicine, the Japan Society for Oriental Medicine, and the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine. He is also an anesthesiologist, a medical supervisor of Japan Primary Care Association, and a balneotherapist of the Japanese Society of Balneology, Climatology and Physical Medicine. He serves Asian Congress of Psychosomatic Medicine as an auditor. He is also a chief editor of the journal “Comprehensive Medicine,” and an honorary member of the Viktor Frankl Institute Vienna.
Dr. Nagata’s specialties include comprehensive medicine, chronic pain (especially fibromyalgia syndrome), hemodynamics, Oriental medicine, logotherapy and existential analysis, and antioxidant defense system.
Dr. Nagata was awarded Hippocrates award by International Medical Olympiad, Albert Schweitzer Grand Gold Medal for Humanitarianism by Albert Schweitzer World Academy of Medicine, and Viktor Frankl Award by the Viktor Frankl Institute Vienna.
Comprehensive Medicine – biopsychosocial medicine Oriental & Occidental Overview (International Foundation for Biosocial Development and Human Health, New York)、本当は怖い「低血圧」(秀和システム)、心身症の診断と治療(診断と治療社)、痛み治療の人間学(朝日新聞出版社)、痛みの力(海竜社)、新しい医療とは何か(NHKブックス)、〈死にざま〉の医学(NHKブックス)、実存カウンセリング(駿河台出版)、見えない病気低血圧(佐久書房)、コエンザイムQ10の魅力(佐久書房)、臨床のためのカウンセリング心理学(佐久書房)、漢方薬の手引き(小学館)、医学医療総論(小学館)and others.
Appointments by phone
+81 (0)3 5577 2070
10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Japan time
Monday through Friday